Extracting vocabulary words from a Japanese text

I’m always looking for new tools to help me in my learning of the Japanese language. I’ve never been really fond of these applications that promise to teach you a language, because I feel like I’m learning much more when I read a paper book or when I take a pen and write words down. That’s why the tools I love are those who help me learn by myself.

These days, I’ve been using a few reading tools, that give you a pop-up when you click on a word when reading a text, telling you its meaning. When the goal is to learn and memorize vocabulary, I find this approach totally inefficient, as it prevents the reader from making any remembering effort. Therefore, I thought to myself that it would be nice that when I want to read a text, I would be given a list of words appearing in that text, so that I could study it beforehand.

So here is today’s objective: extracting the words of vocabulary from a text in Japanese, fetching their meaning from a dictionary, and providing this as a list.

The code of this project is available on my GitHub.

What’s the plan?

I’m going to extract all the words from a text written in Japanese. For this, I’ll use a lexical analyzer, whose output I will have to filter so as to keep only the useful data. Then, I’ll use an online dictionary to retrieve these words’ meanings. For all this process, I’ll use Python.

Extracting segmented words out of an actual text

A lexical analyzer is a tool that can extract the words of a text, an operation called segmentation. It can have other features, such as tagging the words (attaching them information such as their grammatical natures); however I’ll only use the segmentation feature.

I’ve tried with MeCab, but the results I got were not really satisfying. It seems pretty good however, so if you’re lookin for a lexical analyzer, it’s probably worth giving it a chance. I came across Kuromoji as well, but did not try it, since it’s designed for Java. Then I found Nagisa, which looked promising, and it happened to work directly out of the box, so I decided to stick with it.

Nagisa is a module based on neural networks. It’s simply installed with pip, and can be tested easily:

In [1]: import nagisa
[dynet] random seed: 1234
[dynet] allocating memory: 512MB
[dynet] memory allocation done.

In [2]: nagisa.tagging("今日はいい天気ですね").words
Out[2]: ['今日', 'は', 'いい', '天気', 'です', 'ね']

As commented by taishi-i, the nagisa.wakati function is more suitable than tagging, because I don’t need any additional information for now.

I’m now focusing on extracting all the words from an actual text. The goal here is not to have these words in a plain form (辞書形); the issue related to forms will be handled later.

Let’s test it on a more concrete file: Wikipedia’s article on Python, in Japanese. I just made a Ctrl-A Ctrl-V of the page into a python_wikipedia.txt file, as all I need is a large amount of words.

I’m using the following script, to print out all the segmentized words from the input text:

# nagisa_segmentize.py

import nagisa
import sys

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file:
    content = file.read()
    for word in nagisa.tagging(content).words:

Let’s do this:

python3 nagisa_segmentize.py python_wikipedia.txt > output

The output file now contains more than 10,000 lines, and the beginning looks like this:

$ head -25 output 




There are three issues to address, that are, from the easiest to the hardest:

  1. There are empty words
  2. There are duplicates
  3. There are non-Japanese words

Removing empty words

I will use for this purpose a simple regex, to remove both empty and all-blank words. These days I’m found of functional programming, so I’m gonna use filter. Here it is:

#! /bin/env python3

import sys
import re
import nagisa

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file:
    content = file.read()
    for word in filter(
            lambda w: not re.match(r'^\s*$', w), 

As expected, the empty words are filtered out.

I need to remove punctuation as well. The \W regex metacharacter will help me out. So I’m just adding a check against r'\W', which represents a non-word character. This way, I’ll merely filter out any word that contains a non-word character. This will include punctuation characters, but also potential weir results I’m not interested in.

#! /bin/env python3

import sys
import re
import nagisa

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file:
    content = file.read()
    for word in filter(
            lambda w: not re.match(r'^\s*$', w) and not re.match(r'\W', w), 

So here is the filtered output:

python3 nagisa_segmentize.py ../data/python_wikipedia.txt | head -25
[dynet] random seed: 1234
[dynet] allocating memory: 512MB
[dynet] memory allocation done.

Removing the duplicates

To remove the duplicates, I’ll simply convert the list into a set. A set is a data structure that cannot contain duplicates, so the conversion will remove them. Furthermore, I don’t really need the words to be contained in a list, and a set should be enough, so I’ll not convert the set back into a list. Note however that this breaks the order, and I might need to fix this later.

I’ll modify my script so as it puts the words into a set, and displays it at the end.

#! /bin/env python3

import sys
import re
import nagisa

words = set()

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file:
    content = file.read()
    for word in filter(
            lambda w: not re.match(r'^\s*$', w) and not re.match(r'\W', w), 

for word in words:

This is not really impressive, so I’m not gonna show the output here.

Keeping only Japanese words

This is the tricky part. I’m actually going to solve it in a very simple way, using Python’s magic. Regular expressions have a lot of metacharacter, but there’s one that is less known that the rest: \p. It allows to refer to a group of Unicode characters, called a Unicode category. The categories that I am aiming for are Hiragana, Katakana, and Han (for kanjis, or hanzis in Mandarin Chinese), which are detailed in this post on Localizing Japan.

Unfortunately, Python’s built-in module re does not support these categories. But there exists a less known regular expression module for Python, called regexG This module handles a ridiculously broad range of ERE features, and provides re’s functions as well.

So using regex and the character categories, I’m just gonna filter out words that don’t contain hiraganas, nor katakanas, nor kanjis. This filtering might be a bit harsh, but it’s gonna be good enough for now.

I’m going to write a validate_word function, so as to avoid writing all the filtering on a single line.

import regex as re

def validate_word(word):
    return (    
            not re.match(r'^\s*$', word)
            and not re.match(r'\W', word)
            and re.match(r'\p{Hiragana}|\p{Katakana}|\p{Han}', word)

The main section of the script does not change a lot:

words = set()

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file:
    content = file.read()
    for word in filter(

for word in words:

The output of this script is now only 1000 lines long, and contains only full Japanese words.

The goal of extracting a list of untouched words out of a text is now reached, although there might be some points to improve. I will now focus on fetching the dictionary definitions for all these words.

Getting the dictionary version of extracted words

In order to get the meaning of the extracted words, I will use Jisho website’s API. Jisho made a wonderful work, aggregating all the knowledge of Japanese language into a single website and a well-working API. For each extracted word, I will send a request to this API with the module requests, and read the result.

The response received from Jisho’s API will look like this:

In [1]: import requests

In [2]: requests.get("https://jisho.org/api/v1/search/words?keyword=家").json()
{'data': [{'attribution': {'dbpedia': False,
    'jmdict': True,
    'jmnedict': False},
   'is_common': True,
   'japanese': [{'reading': 'いえ', 'word': '家'}],
   'senses': [{'antonyms': [],
     'english_definitions': ['house', 'residence', 'dwelling'],
     'info': [],
     'links': [],
     'parts_of_speech': ['Noun'],
     'restrictions': [],
     'see_also': [],
     'source': [],
     'tags': []},
    {'antonyms': [],
     'english_definitions': ['family', 'household'],

Let’s write now a function that gets the response for a single word.

import requests

def get_meaning(word):
    data = requests.get(API_URL.format(word)).json()['data'][0]

    reading = data['japanese'][0]['reading']
    meanings = [x['english_definitions'][0] for x in data['senses']]

    return reading, meanings

Since all the requests to the API are unrelated, I can write them as asyncio coroutines, and start them all in the main section. I decide that each coroutine will fill a field in a global dictionary.

async def get_meaning(dictionary, word):
    data = requests.get(API_URL.format(word)).json()['data'][0]

    reading = data['japanese'][0]['reading']
    meanings = [x['english_definitions'][0] for x in data['senses']]

    dictionary[word] = {'reading': reading, 'meanings': meanings}

And the main section is now a main function, marked async as well:

async def main(meanings):
    words = set()

    with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as file:
        content = file.read()
        for word in filter(

    print("Extracted {} words".format(len(words)))

    coroutines = [get_meaning(meanings, word) for word in words]
    await aio.wait(coroutines)

Finally, I setup the event loop and call the main function:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    event_loop = aio.get_event_loop()
        meanings = {}

Let’s try it on a short file first. The short.txt file only contains the short sentence 今日はいい天気ですね。

$ python3 nagisa_segmentize.py short.txt
[dynet] random seed: 1234
[dynet] allocating memory: 512MB
[dynet] memory allocation done.
Extracted 6 words
Received meaning for word いい
Received meaning for word ね
Received meaning for word 今日
Received meaning for word 天気
Received meaning for word は
Received meaning for word です
{'ね': {'reading': 'ね', 'meanings': ['root (of a plant)', 'root (of a tooth, hair, etc.)', 'root (of all evil, etc.)', "one's true nature", '(fishing) reef', 'Ne', 'Root']}, 'は': {'reading': 'は', 'meanings': ['topic marker particle', 'indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)', 'adds emphasis', 'Ha (kana)']}, '今日': {'reading': 'きょう', 'meanings': ['today', 'these days']}, 'です': {'reading': 'です', 'meanings': ['be']}, '天気': {'reading': 'てんき', 'meanings': ['weather', 'fair weather']}, 'いい': {'reading': 'よい', 'meanings': ['good', 'sufficient (can be used to turn down an offer)', 'profitable (e.g. deal, business offer, etc.)', 'OK']}}

The output is the following dictionary:

    です: {'reading': 'です', 'meanings': ['be']}
    いい: {'reading': 'よい', 'meanings': ['good', 'sufficient (can be used to turn down an offer)', 'profitable (e.g. deal, business offer, etc.)', 'OK']}
    天気: {'reading': 'てんき', 'meanings': ['weather', 'fair weather']}
    : {'reading': 'は', 'meanings': ['topic marker particle', 'indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)', 'adds emphasis', 'Ha (kana)']}
    今日: {'reading': 'きょう', 'meanings': ['today', 'these days']}
    : {'reading': 'ね', 'meanings': ['root (of a plant)', 'root (of a tooth, hair, etc.)', 'root (of all evil, etc.)', "one's true nature", '(fishing) reef', 'Ne', 'Root']}

The goal is reached: given a text written in Japanese, I got a list of unique words with their readings and meanings. This can be improved in many ways, including:

  • Excluding one-hiragana words (cf the last that leads to strange meanings”)
  • Tagging words with JLPT level and keep only words above a certain level

This can be used further for many applications as well:

  • Rating the difficulty of a text according to the number of words and their average JLPT level


Thanks to taishi-i, author of the Nagisa module, for both their work and their reading my work. Thanks to Jisho’s developers, maintainers and admins, without whom I could never have done what I did (I’m not only talking about this post :)).
